Megan Billingsley


 Featured Work

About Me

I might be a bit of a gear nerd (shameless, too). So let’s dig into what’s inside the booth! Or perhaps more appropriately, let’s start the booth itself… All of my recording is done at-home in a sound treated vocal booth from Between the foam walls and the bass traps, this space is a vocal acoustic dream.

The rest of the gear includes the Neumann TLM-103 seen here in this photo (like buttah), Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones, and Universal Apollo Twin interface. All audio is recorded using Adobe Audition with my trusty Macbook Pro.

Alright enough gear talk, on to the artist! What drives me? What keeps me going? Why did I decide to do this full time, in this economy?! The answer to that one is simple…I love it. I absolutely love what I do!!

Being a solopreneur has been a dream come true - working with incredible clients across the globe on more projects than I ever could have imagined. From being a brand voice for Global Pet Foods, to helping students prepare for college and career paths with eDynamic Learning, hosting live webinars with C-Suite level execs from Fortune 1000 companies through my work with Industry Dive and SO much more - this has been a learning experience like no other.

Every project takes on a life of it’s own, and I love playing a role in that. I’ve had the absolute honor of working with several brands on edu-content for kids, which is definitely a highlight for me. Tapping into the silly side of my work with a more buoyant sound, character voices, and positive feedback phrases is more fun than I can describe. Interested in connecting? Use the contact form below!

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Interested in booking or connecting to discuss a project? Fill out the form below, or feel free to email, or call 703-795-5623.